Plugin Hooks

Plugin API : The plugin API is available as of Razuna 1.6.

Following is a listing of all the available hooks. Hooks allow you to execute your plugin code/pages within Razuna.

Example: You want that your code gets executed when the user adds a file to Razuna. In order to do so, you need to let Razuna know (register) your function. In order to register your hook you need to call the add_action() function and pass in the required parameters with one of the hooks below as in:

<cfset add_action(pid="#this.myID#", action="on_file_add", comp="mycomponent", func="myfunction")>

Here we register the component (“yourcomponent”) with the function (“myfunction”) when a file is being added (action=”on_file_add”). Thus your function will be executed when a new file is uploaded.

  • settings
  • on_folder_settings
  • on_file_add
  • on_file_edit
  • on_file_remove
  • on_file_move
  • on_folder_remove
  • on_rendition_add
  • show_in_direct_link
  • show_in_folderview_select_wx
  • show_in_folderview_select_r
  • add_tab_detail_wx
  • show_in_detail_link_wx


This will be called when users enters the settings page of the plugin administration.


Will include your code on the folder properties page.


Will execute when files(s) are being added to a folder which has this hook activated. Executes on uploading of file and when files are being moved into this folder as well.


Will execute when users are saving a file.


Will execute when the file(s) are being removed.


Will execute on any move action of the file(s). This action is being triggered when a file is being move out or into a folder!


Will execute when the folder is being removed.


Will execute when a new rendition is being created.


When user clicks on direct link, the content of this hook will be shown (useful if you want to show a custom link).


Content of your plugin to show when user selects files in the folderview. The “_wx” means that the content is being shown to all users who have NOT read permission.

Return variable example
plwx result.cfc.plwx.(functionname).(variablename)


Content of your plugin to show when user selects files in the folderview. The “_r” means that the content is being shown to all users who ONLY have read permission.

Return variable example
plr result.cfc.plr.(functionname).(variablename)


This adds an additional tab and a div to the files detail view. The div will be called according to your function (just like the view). The “_wx” means that the content is being shown to all users who have NOT read permission. The following parameters are available to you;

name value
result.cfc.plwx.(functionname).file_id The ID of the file
result.cfc.plwx.(functionname).folder_id The FOLDERID the file is in
result.cfc.plwx.(functionname).cf:show The FILE TYPE img = images ; vid = videos ; aud = audios ; doc = documents

With these 3 variables you can continue calling your own plugin code like: &file_id=#attributes.file_id#&type=#attributes.cf_show#&folder_id=#attributes.folder_id#

In order to create the tab you have to add the following line in your view:

<li><a href="##yourfunction" onclick="loadcontent('yourfunction','index.cfm?fa=c.plugin_direct&comp=yourcomponent&func=yourfunction&file_id=#result.cfc.plwx.(functionname).file_id#&folder_id=#result.cfc.plwx.(functionname).folder_id#&type=#result.cfc.plwx.(functionname).cf_show#');">My tab</a></li>

This will add a new tab to the detail view and at the same time create a div with the name of the view! Thus make sure that the “yourfunction” is of the same value!

Return variable example
pllink result.cfc.pllink.(functionname).(variablename)